Friday, September 23, 2011

Bean Stalk Updates!

There's a LOT, too! Let's do this.

First up, hot off the press, there's a Pictionary update: click HERE! I've gotten the stuff to add to the entries for #6, #13, #27 and #50.

As always, feel free to send me more pictures for the Pictionary. You know I'll always credit you. I need, well, anything and everything, but if you've got Marie Grace and Cecile pictures, that's even better!

Then, I've updated the sewing table with two finished projects: one and two. I don't want to take up too much space on the page, but I'll at the least put up a picture of my favorite:

Oh, and! I was sick today, and also quite a bit bored, so I sat and made Monster High icons. Here's 16 fresh icons from Season 2, Episode 27. It's the latest one, the one with Spectra. Go check them out! I'll post a few teasers:

Hey! Don't forget that you can grab super fast updates by following @beanstalktweets! I always try to follow you back.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Feature!

I've got a new site that you all should totally check out today:

Cherished Playtime

True fact, when I first started The Bean Stalk up, I modeled it after this place. There are plenty of crafts to keep you occupied, and you might go have a look at her C-Box on the front page to see what other people are saying. The bulk of the site takes you through Star Valley. You can meet the residents, see Susie's blog, and check out the Jessica McConnell Show, the first ever talk show for dolls.

If you're needing more Cherished Playtime, check it out on Facebook or Twitter.

Hey, Cherished Playtime! Feel free to put this on your site. If you'd like back to the Bean Stalk, that would be nice of you too:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Photo: Off On Vacation!

I forgot to post this. Technically, we just got back, but:


This was taken for the AG Over 18 photo challenge. It's my dolls, packing up to go on vacation! We're going to a nerd convention, hence the outfits.